About SCAN AgriAbility Enterprise
SCAN AgriAbility, is a Disability-inclusive Social Entreprise in Rusinga Island in Kenya, that aims to invest in the agribusiness value chain to drive productivity, create green jobs, link smallholder farmers to markets and increase production and profits. SCAN gives farmers with disability tools they need to be successful
Our Agri-Entreprise

SCAN AgriAbility is a "Disability-Inclusive Agri-Enterprise", founded by Persons with disabilities (PwDs), that promote agricultural production technologies which meets the special requirements of small-scale farmers with disabilities (FwDs).
Disability-Inclusive agriculture is the key to winning the fight against poverty, hunger and malnutrition in the undeserved and underdeveloped rural areas. SCAN AgriAbility Entreprise believes that there is a need for inclusiveness to empower the disabled farming poor.
Agriculture has been a way of life and continues to be the single most important livelihood of the disabled masses..
Our Goal is to move agriculture from subsistence farming to a modern and commercial agriculture that promotes households food security, value addition and reduce poverty by improving incomes.
Specific challenges addressed by SCAN AgriAbility Enterprise includes; (1) Low use of agricultural inputs by FwDs (2) frequent drought/floods and Climate variability (3) Degradation of natural resources (4) Low levels of private investment in primary production and value addition, and (5) Poor rural infrastructure, such as small-scale irrigation, marketing and storage.
In the long-term, SCAN AgriAbility Enterprise aims to contribute towards (1) Improved food security and Nutrition, (2).Strengthened agricultural growth, (3) Increased household incomes, (4) Creation of employment opportunities for PwDs, and (5) Access to sustainable markets by farmers with disabilities (FWDs).
Our Focus on Ability

SCAN AgriAbility's Main focus is geared towards sustainable income in Agribusiness for persons with disabilities through improved production, processing methods, Marketing and Training on Business Management. Special attention is given to disabled women and youth with disabilities.
By giving small-holder farmers with disability access to technologies and connecting them to markets, they will have options for more profitable and resilient agriculture towards achieving food, nutrition and economic security.
SCAN AgriAbility Enterprise hope to achieve the above by increasing the capacity of rural farmers with disabilities (FwDs) in intensifying the existing patterns of production and diversifying their farm enterprises in an attempt to improve their livelihoods
Our Approach

Environment & Sustainability

SCAN AgriAbility Enterprise aims for Persons with Disability (PwDs), particularly women and youth with disabilities to become active participants in climate-smart agricultural technologies and practices that enhance crop diversification and adoption of improved drought resistant crops, improved water harvesting, improved irrigation and access to markets, that are tailored to fit the specific profiles of their disabilities.
The enterprise is meant to promote disability-inclusive income generation for Persons with disabilities (PwDs) through skilled and unskilled labor, self-employment, entrepreneurship, and competitive employment along the targeted agro-pastoral value chain.
SCAN AgriAbility is on a Journey to One Million Fruit Trees for healthier populations and better environment, to help rural communities increase and sustain agricultural production for improved food security, nutrition and income generation while at the same time safeguarding the environment by adopting sustainable agricultural practices and appropriate technologies