We envisage a World where Every Household of an individual living with disability is Food, Nutrition and Income Secure
Our Mission is to increase engagement of rural farmers with disabilities to sustainably undertake value chain work to mitigate food insecurity, improve nutrition and increase incomes of smallholder farmers and their households through agribusiness ventures.
Empowered individuals with disabilities-especially disabled Women and Youth, through food security, job creation, economic growth and poverty alleviation.
Improving income and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in agriculture.
Provide persons with disabilities living in rural areas with necessary agro-technical and business management skills
Adaptation of food production technologies to meet special requirements of disabled farmers.
Provision of agricultural services that address the training needs of farmers with disabilities.
Fostering accident prevention in Agribusiness
Strengthening nutritional adequacy through improved dietary practices and food security interventions, in order to eliminate nutrition-related disabilities