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Market & Linkages

•Transportion of Agricultural Products to the Market:
Many rural farmers with disabilities (FwDs) often face serious difficulties in accessing markets to sell their goods in the marketplace. Rural farmers with disabilities are constrained by their limited mobility, remote location, high transportation costs, limited knowledge, and the lack of business skills and an organization that could give them the bargaining power they require to interact on equal terms with other market intermediaries.
A Pickup or Truck will offer a reliable market access by our rural farmers with disabilities and hence, boost productivity, increases incomes and strengthen food security.
• Rural Micro-Infrastructural Development:
For us to increase greater market access and market development for the rural farmers with disabilities. SCAN AgriAbility welcome Partners to support community-based micro-infrastructure development to improve the physical access to markets, production, primary processing and marketing or the entire value chain.
• Public-Private Partnership by Farmers with Disabilities:
Unequal distributions of power means small producers with disabilities can earn significantly less than other normal actors, such as larger processors, retailers and exporters. Public-Private Partnership will help ensure our smallholder producers with disabilities are equal and respected partners in value-chain partnership arrangements and that they are Not pushed out of these markets.
SCAN AgriAbility is open to "Equitable, win-win partnerships" for rural farmers with disabilities.

1. We are a Certified Company with the Kenya Government with Registrar of Companies (C
2. We are a Certified Chicken Processing Company with the Homa Bay County Government


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